PPI logo P. s. pv. tomato DC3000 P. s. pv.phaseolicola 1448A
Psp 1448A - Genome Project Home Page


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about Psp 1448A

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Hop database & nomenclature

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Pseudomonas syringae
pv phaseolicola (Psp) is the cause of halo blight on bean. It is a
legume pathogen of world-wide importance (from New York to East Africa) and an established experimental model. hrp genes were first extensively studied in P.s. phaseolicola and many important advances in our understanding of avr gene action involve this pathovar. Sequencing and annotation of the Psp genome and two plasmids (p1448A-A) and p1448A-B) was funded by NSF Plant Genome Research Program grant DBI-0077622, completed by The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR), and published in 9/05.

Key to the main menu:

project background - information about project history, objectives, and investigators

about Psp 1448A - description of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A and its pathogenic properties

genome properties - properties of the genome including links to analyses performed using the original sequence and annotation

tools for genome analysis - search, perform BLAST analyses and visualize the Psp 1448A sequence and annotations using the Artemis genome viewer (reflects updates made since the original sequence deposition)

Hop database and nomenclature - database of Hop effector proteins, guides to implementation of the newly proposed Hop nomenclature, and a guide to terminology related to Type III secretion

ongoing annotation - view recent updates and submit changes to the 1448A sequence/annotation

related links - links to additional genome pages, journals, and databases