PPI logo P. s. pv. tomato DC3000 P. s. pv. phaseolicola 1448A
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  1. 11-18-10 Hop database updated with 280 new Hop sequences from diverse pathovars submitted by David Baltrus. HrpL dependence and Type III translocation confirmed for all
  2. 09-05-10 Link to Biological Resources page added to Quicklinks bar on home page.
  3. 07-09-10 Hop database updated with 8 new effector families (note that previously proposed HopBH has been renamed HopBD2)
  4. 06-17-10 Updates made to the Pto DC3000 annotation updates log: In light of recent experimental data (PMID:20190049) 3015 CDS features have been updated to include experimental evidence for expression. Of these, 519 previously annotated as "conserved hypothetical protein" are now named "conserved protein of unknown function" and 219 previously named "hypothetical protein" are now named "protein of unknown function"
  5. 06-13-10 Downloadable file format made available for Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation
  6. 05-28-10 Hop and helper databases updated with predicted genes in draft genomes for P. syringae aesculi 2250 and NCPPB 3681, and P. syringae savastanoi NCPPB 3335
  7. 04-15-10 Link to Plant defense against P. syringae page added to Quicklinks bar on home page.
  8. 03-23-10 Updates made to the Pto DC3000 annotation updates log: In light of recent experimental data (PMID:20190049) 11 loci have been deleted, 3 changed in their coordinates, 16 new gene/CDS features added, and 29 new gene/ncRNA features added
  9. 02-12-10 Hop Database updated with new AvrPto sequences, reflecting division of this Hop familiy into 5 subfamilies.
  10. 02-05-10 Updates for 1 effector added to Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation, for 1 link to Additional resources and databases and for 4 effectors to Database - Hops
  11. 12-22-09 Updates for 12 effectors added to Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation
  12. 09-15-09 Updates made to the Pto DC3000 annotation updates log: 51 Hrp box annotations re-formatted and 19 PvdS box annotations added
  13. 08-15-09 Hop Database divided into three separate categories to reflect differences among validated Hops, T3SS helpers and discontinued
  14. 08-15-09 Draft genomes added to list on home page
  15. 06-15-09 Updates for 9 effectors added to Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation
  16. 04-31-09 Updates for 32 effectors added to Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation
  17. 12-16-08 Updates made to the Pto DC3000, Psp 1448A and Psy B728a annotation updates log
  18. 12-10-08 A model of P. syringae-host interactions based upon comprehensive Gene Ontology annotation of Hop effector proteins has been generated. Go to Modeling host-pathogen interactions with Gene Ontology Annotation for details.
  19. 09-9-08 Link to external resources and databases added to Quicklinks bar on home page
  20. 09-8-08 Hop database updated with effectors for P. syringae pv tomato strain T1. See Hop database.
  21. 07-14-08 Ongoing Annotation pages and Tools for Genome Analysis pages for the diverse sequenced strain consolidated into a single Ongoing Annotation page and Tools for Genome Analysis Page, accessed from strain submenus and "Quicklinks" on the home page
  22. 06-20-08 New page created describing Comparative Genomics and Genome Organization to reflect supplementary data to Lindeberg et al, 2008.
  23. 03-28-08 New page created describing Systems biology and gene expression modeling. This page contains objectives, investigators and recent research activities of the USDA-ARS Plant-Microbe Interaction Research Group in Ithaca NY, and is linked to the home page through the Quick Links bar. PvdS promoter predictions are currently posted on this page.
  24. 03-27-08 Updates added to Phytobacteriological genome resources page
  25. 03-19-08 Additions made to Genbank/RefSeq databases and updates logs for Pto DC3000 chrom
  26. 09-08-07 New page created with links and descriptions of large subgenomic P. syringae seqeunces. See the Genome Resources Home Page or go directly to Subgenomic P. syringae sequences
  27. 09-08-07 Additions made to Genbank/RefSeq databases and updates logs for Pto DC3000 chrom
  28. 08-15-07 Updates added to Phytobacteriological genome resources page
  29. 01-3-07 New Artemis readable feature files for B728a (TTSS and substrates, hrp promoters) and 1448a (hrp promoters)
  30. 12-18-06 New page created describing Gene Ontology Annotation and associated term development for Plant Associated Microbes (PAMGO)
  31. 12-8-06 Additions made to Genbank/RefSeq databases and updates logs for Pto DC3000 chrom, Psy B728a chrom, Psp 1448A chrom and 1448A plasmid p1448A-A. NOTE: HrpL promoters are now contained in the Genbank annotation for all three P. syringae strains
  32. 12-8-06 Updates and corrections to the Hop database reflecting publications PMID 17073298, PMID: 17073300, PMID: 17073301, PMID: 17073302 in the November issue of MPMI
  33. 10-14-06 Additions made to Genbank/RefSeq databases and updates logs for Pto DC3000 chrom, pDC3000A and pDC3000B
  34. 10-14-06 Phytobacteriological genome resources - completed genome for Burkholderia cepacia AMMD added
  35. 10-14-06 What's new on this site moved from the PPI home page to a page of its own
  36. 08-31-06 Quick Links bar added to the Genome Resources Home Page for easier access to commonly used features on this site
  37. 06-08-06 An updated genome resources for other bacterial pathogens page has been added to keep users informed as to the growing number of phytobacteriological and related genomes
  38. 04-17-06 Tools for Genome Analysis and Artemis Tutorial pages updated to reflect improved options for genome viewing
  39. 01-11-06 Precomputed genome comparisons for the three P. syringae pathovars can now be viewed using the Artemis Comparison Tool at WebACT. For more information, go to Genome Comparison with ACT
  40. 12-02-05 Updates made to the Hop database
  41. 11-18-05 Updates made to the Pto DC3000 and Psp 1448A ongoing annotation pages
  42. 10-21-05 Ongoing annotation pages for Pto DC3000, Psp 1448A and Psy B728a created. These pages now provide lists of updates to the chromosome and plasmid sequence/annotation made since original deposition as well as contact information for submitting new updates
  43. 09-23-05 Hop database updated to reflect accession numbers and locus tags assigned to Psp 1448A and Psy B728a Hops during genome annotation. See the Hop database and nomenclature page for details.
  44. 09-08-05 Sequence and annotation of the P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A genome published - Joardar et al. 2005.
    See Psp 1448A - Genome Properties for a description of the genome and Psp 1448A - Tools for Genome Analysis to search, BLAST, and visualize the 1448A sequence and annotation
  45. 08-24-05 Sequence and annotation of the P. syringae pv syringae 1448A genome released to Genbank.
  46. 08-23-05 Browse, search and view annotation records for all sequenced pseudomonad genomes from the Database Search page of the Pseudomonas Genome Database v2. More details are provided on the Tools for Genome Analysis page for each pathovar.
  47. 08-03-05 Sequence and annotation of the P. syringae pv. syringae B728a genome published - Feil et al. 2005. See Psy B728a - Genome Properties for a description of the genome and Psy B728a - Tools for Genome Analysis to search, BLAST, and visualize the B728a sequence and annotation.
  48. 07-14-05 Hop database updated - Data from recent publications has been incorporated into the Hop database as well as other modifications aimed at better highlighting whether previously named Hops fulfill the various criteria for effector function.
  49. 04-01-05 New Hop nomenclature published - A manuscript decribing a new Hop nomenclature, and procedures for phylogenetically classifying and naming new Hops has just been published in Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions. Detailed description of the new nomenclature, Hop databases reflecting the new name assignments, and protocols for phylogenetic analysis of new Hops can be found on the new Hop database and nomenclature page. If you have questions, or need assistance in naming new effectors, contact the PPI project coordinator. The DC3000 genome and plasmid annotation files at NCBI have been updated with the new names.
  50. Do you have a list of genes that you would like to visualize using the Artemis genome viewer? Contact the PPI project coordinator for more information.


Magdalen Lindeberg
PPI Project Coordinator
Dept Plant Pathology
Cornell University